Flood Rescue and Evacuation Operation By NDRF 30 July 2016



Dated 30th July, 2016 Time 1500 Hrs

The flood rescue and evacuation operation by NDRF in various flood prone areas of country is in full swing. 45 self-contained flood rescue teams of NDRF have been pre-positioned in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand and West Bengal to assist the respective state administration in rescue and relief work. NDRF teams are fully equipped with boats, deep divers, Lifebuoy, Life Jackets and other flood rescue equipment.

14 flood rescue teams are deployed in Assam to meet the challenges due to flood like situations. The responders of NDRF are relentlessly engaged in relief and rescue work with other agencies at various parts of flood ravaged state. Yesterday, NDRF teams organized Medical camp at Majuli district Jorhat and at Revenue Circle Dubri, District- Dubri to provide medical attention to needy persons. The NDRF medical teams attended 293 sick persons at Jorhat and 252 persons at Dubri.

08 flood rescue teams of NDRF are deployed in Bihar in connection with monsoon session. Yesterday, NDRF team evacuated 365 persons at Gopalganj. Sh. S.S. Guleria, Dy. Inspector General, NDRF is present at Patna to supervise the ongoing rescue and relief operation by NDRF.

01 flood rescue team of NDRF deployed in Karnataka, carried out flood rescue and relief operation at Slilk Board BTM layout place Bangaluru and evacuated 20 persons to safer place.

A 24X7, NDRF control room in New Delhi is closely monitoring the situation and in touch with other agencies.

Issued By : PR Cell, NDRF HQ