Date:26/05/2021 Time:1700Hrs
Cyclone ‘YAAS’ made its landfall in Odisha on the afternoon of26thMay with strong winds and heavy rainfall on the coastline of Odisha and West Bengal. It is very likely to move northwestwards across interior Odisha and weaken gradually.
Total 113 teams of NDRF, the highest ever numbers of team for cyclones have been earmarked/deployed in five states and the UT aspartofitspreparationandresponsetothecyclone.Teamsareconstantly carrying out rescue and restoration work post cyclone in coordination with State and district administration.
As cyclone hit land, rainfall in the region has led to inundation of low lying areas. Many trapped persons were rescued by the NDRF including an infant with other 03 family members who were rescuedaftertheirhousecollapsedduetoheavyraininOdisha.Besides,hundreds of stranded person were also rescued in the state of WestBengal.03personswerealsosavedfromdrowning.
NDRF has evacuated thousands of people to safer places in close coordination with local administration in both the states Rescue Operations are still continuing as large number of trees and electric poles are uprooted after the cyclone hit the land. Deployed teams are removing them from roads to keep communication lines clear and still this process is on. Rescuers are making all out efforts to bring normalcy in the areas.
Director General, NDRF Shri. Satya Narayan Pradhan urges people to restrict their movement till the situation becomes normalandtakeproperprecautionarymeasureswhilereturningtotheirhomes.
Issued By: PR Cell, NDRF HQ